About Us

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”

Mr. Anand Singh is the person behind who can be crowned among efficacious businessman has quailed his research on SPICES for last 15 years. He has perambulated across prismatic countries to inquest about SPICES, apart being bon vivant his thirst for knowledge about spices went on escalating, and then his inquiring mind and exploration for 15 years made him sanguine to add a new business contingency for the populace world across. He discerned that SPICES are used not only by Indians now a days in household in everyday cooking, yet it has benefits for our health too across India. And thus, he came out with a new elicit company SGP FOOD MANUFACTURERS  in the year of 2022 to explore the SPICE business and maximum spice cultivators can expose themselves to the World Market and every individual Indian can be availed using organic SPICES in whatever croft they want to resort to.

Products You Will Love


Nothing can beat the delicious taste of traditional Indian SGP blends! SPICES ’s range of blended spices are hand-crafted & the ingredients are sourced from India’s renowned spice lands, ensuring the taste, aroma, flavour & color remain uncompromised.


Pure spices play an integral part in Indian cuisine irrespective of the zone, state, community or the cooking method and hence occupies a very special place of honor. We, at SGP, believe in offering spices that are rich & authentic. And nothing more speaks of this belief than our range of Pure Spices.

100 % Organic

Veg Spices

100 % Organic​

Non Veg Spices

100 % Organic​

Other Spices


100 % organic

SGP Food


100 % Organic

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